Thursday, March 10, 2011

...trying this new fad called uh, jogging. I believe it's jogging or yogging. It might be a soft j. I'm not sure but apparently you just run for an extended period of time. It's supposed to be wild. Ron Burgundy

Day 16
35 minutes
Route: Hendricks-Fremont-Birch-Hendricks.

Coolest part about my run today?
 I found Pre's Rock! 
As I was driving up the Hendrick's Park to run I saw the sign to Pre's Rock. I followed the crazy hill to see it.  (Oh and I was most definitely going the wrong way the other day when I started looking for it.) By the time I had parked I decided I wanted to tackle the hill on Birch street and just go for it. 
I made it up the hill... pretty proud of myself since I've mostly been running on flat surfaces. I stopped at Pre's rock and was so inspired by all the little things people had left to honor one of the greatest runners of all time. I made a little cross with branches that I found and left my hair tie there and then went about my run. 
Another cool thing about my run today...
My shins didn't hurt too bad! It was amazing! I guess ice baths really do work. Imagine that! I'm working on keepin up the little things and they seem to be helping!
Hands down best thing about my run today...
I got my first runners "high" since high school. 
It was the most amazing thing. I didn't want to stop. I felt like I could run for hours. It truly reminded my of why I'm doing this and why I love running so much in the first place.

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