Sunday, April 3, 2011

Run Run Run

I apologize for my lateness lately. Between school, work, homework, and volunteering it comes last but I am still running!! :)
Day 40

Day 39
40 min

The weather was just lovely today! I left my phone at home so that it wouldn't get ruined. It went from sunny, rainy, to hailing sideways (ouch). The hail balls were huge (to me at least). It was a good run. My leg felt better today so hopefully it'll feel better tomorrow.

Day 38
Treadmill at UO

I had to work this evening and I was in class late so I wasn't going to get a chance to run unless it was in the morning. It wasn't light yet so I just hung out in the gym and ran. Safety first.

Day 37
30 min running
30 min eliptical

I was having problems with my leg so I decided to run inside and split up the cardio. I still want to keep up my fitness so I went hard on the elliptical.  No pictures... Let's just say the view is less than exciting.

Day 36
Gym 60 min Elliptical.  Weights.
30 minutes

 I have decided to do the gym to make up for the fact that I'm not running a long time on the trails.
This was super creepy as I was running by there were a ton of crows up in the tree "cawing". Kinda creeped me out.

 My new frees! I really like them! I was a little sad gettin them dirty.
For some reason my left leg has been bugging me from the hip down.

Day 35
Gym. 30 min elliptical.
Campus Streets
30 min

These are both on the way up to Pre's Rock. I really enjoyed both of them :)

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Rain, Rain Go Away

Day 34
Alton Baker Park
30 minutes

My shins started bugging me again today. It was really painful. I went to Nike and got a pair of Free Runs so hopefully those will help fix the problem. I also worked out at the gym today so I was a little tired for my run. I didn't eat before I ran- bad idea. It was like trying to push a car with an e-brake on.

Day 33
Fiddle Creek
30 minutes

My so called running buddies leaving me in the dust! How nice huh? haha

Just some things I saw on my run today!!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Spring Fling

Day 32
The Parental Units House
30 minutes

Today I got a massage from Michelle at Pacific Moon Massage and it was amazing! I felt like a lot of tension was shed off of me. Since she put a little more pressure on my legs I decided to hit the treadmill to make sure I didn't mess up the progress that was made on my legs. I turned on the TV to keep my mind some what entertained and I ended up watching How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days. I had to list some of my favorite quotes from that movie:
I find this one particularly funny-after some of my own personal experiences it's not only women that do this.
"Andie: No! I'm going to limit myself to doing everything girls do wrong in relationships. Basically, everything we know guys hate. I'll be clingy, needy..."

Andie: It's our love fern! Oh, Bennie-boo-boo, boo-boo.

Andie: I love you Binky... but I don't have to like you right now.

Andie: Does Princess Sophia want to come out and play?
Ben: Who's Princess Sophia?
Andie: Little, big, little, big... I don't know... we will find out!

Andie: C'mon, blow. Nobody likes a Mr. Sniffles.
Tony: Yeah, uh, I hate Mr. Sniffles.

haha I love this movie.
So good run for a treadmill. I'm really enjoying being home with the family.

Day 31
North Jetty!
30 minutes

I didn't really get to celebrate my half way point yesterday so I thought what better way to "celebrate" than a beach run. I ran with the wind on the way there and against it on the way back. Besides the wind the beach was beautiful. There were some dark rain clouds but rain had yet to fall. It had been so long since I have been to the beach. It was really refreshing. I didn't go as long as I wanted to because of a couple pains here and there that I didn't want to aggravate. I'm getting a massage tomorrow (a light one not a deep tissue) that I am hoping will push those aches and pains out. After my run I sat on a piece of driftwood and just enjoyed the sight. I wish I would have appreciated it more when I lived here. I'm itching for summer- beach bon fires, camping, and skim boarding. I never thought I would say this but I love this town. Don't tell anyone. ;)

Day 30 HALF WAY DONE!(maybe)
Barger Area
45 minutes

I was going to have a busy day so I was up and running pretty quick this morning. I had Volunteers in Medicine today and then a drive to Florence. I really wanted to celebrate my half way point in style but I wasn't sure if I would make it to town in the daylight hours so I just jumped up and ran this morning.
On a good note: I think I am in a lot better shape than I was 30 days ago. I have a better running mentality. I do it because I enjoy it. It is such a huge stress reliever. I look forward to my long runs even if I am running them alone. I am working on doing one at least once a week but I would really like to bump it up to two or three. I am going to see how the start of this term goes and go from there. But I really think I'm gettin the love back. It's something that's constant in my life. Every day changes but at least I know I'm going to be running everyday for at least 30 minutes. I need some consistency in my life.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Lazy Day... kinda

Day 29
Barger Area
30 minutes

There was a news broadcast that there was a sex offender loose over in the Alton Baker so I decided to keep to the well traveled road by my house, especially since I was going to be running alone. I found the prettiest street with my favorite trees blooming! It made for great scenery! My legs were a little sore and stiff from the longer run yesterday so I decided to take it easy. It was a good run.
PS.... I'll be half way to my goal tomorrow


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The sun is shining, the tank is clean...

Day 28
Alton Baker Park
60 minutes 

Since today was such a beautiful day I decided to drive out to Alton Baker to do my run and since I had spare time today I wanted to get another long run in. It is the perfect place to do it. I ran from the beginning of Pre's Trail in the parking lot of Alton Baker all the way over to Springfield's Island Park. It was great, although not as much fun as running with a friend, but still very good. The last ten minutes or so my lungs started acting up but this is the first time I have noticed since I started running. Maybe something in the air. It was a beautiful day completed with a beautiful run! 

Day 27
30 minutes

I had to get up at 6am in order to get my run in today and since it was still dark out I didn't want to run outside. Better safe than sorry so I ran on the treadmill at my apartment's gym. Talk about boring! The picture is one I took on another run awhile ago but I thought I would put it on here. Aren't they cute!! I got the weirdest look from someone at the bus stop when I was taking the picture too. Probably thought I was crazy haha maybe he was right. :)

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Finding Beauty in the Little Things

Day 26
Echo Hollow Bike path
35 minutes

While I'm running there are so many things going through my head. It really helps me think and get my thoughts in order and while I was running today I starting thinking about the things around me. I am so go go go all the time I hardly stop to admire my surroundings. So today I took a couple of pictures of things that were beautiful or unique. They're not breath-taking like the top of a mountain but beautiful in their own way.

 So I'm working on slowing it down and taking the time to appreciate the world around me because you only live once.
“There are two ways to live: you can live as if nothing is a miracle; you can live as if everything is a miracle.” Albert Einstein 

Also while I was running on the bike path I found a little park!  It has a bark trail that goes around it that would be amazing for repeats! I don't know how long the loop is. I think it's a little larger than 400 meters but really cool to find. It takes about 12-14 minutes to get there so perfect warm up and cool down to and from.

Work out time? We'll see!!

We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals. Immanual Kant

Day 25
Barger Area
40 minutes

I was exploring the bike path that I found a few runs ago and I was really enjoying it. Until I came across two of the most beautiful kitties! First thought is aww how cute next thought is they have no collars. One of the cats was very young looking, maybe around 6-9 months old and when I bent down to pet it, it tried nursing on my hand. This literally broke my heart. I don't normally use the word hate for anyone or anything but  I hate people who abandon their pets. It's not fair to the animals to be put out on the streets because their owner gets tired of them. Then comes the issue that people don't spay and neuter them so that alone causes more animals to become strays. I have so much compassion for these animals and I want to help is every way I can but I am only one person. A college student at that so I can only do so much. It broke my heart to leave these two cats alone on a bike path beside Beltline unsure if they have any food.
That was kind of a tangent of mine, it is by far my biggest pet peeve and if I could adopt all the strays I would. It is actually one of my life goals to have an animal rescue.
On another side note my new favorite website is Calorie Count besides counting the intake and output of calories this site tells you what nutrients you're lacking in your diet. It's really informational and is helping me eat the right foods with the right vitamins and minerals in them. I got a B today because of high sodium (thanks to a bouillon cube). I recommend the site even if you don't have weight loss goals because it is really helping me stay on track with my nutrition.